6 Best Practices: Preparing for Pandemic-Related Grants

Key takeaways
- Start planning now by collecting information
- Identify needs and determine strategies to address them
- Understand terms and conditions, and reporting requirements
The higher ed grants landscape is changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic and we anticipate it will continue to have an impact on future grants.
In the past, we've seen the U.S. Department of Education attach specific priorities to grant competitions, such as those for Title III and Title V. We are likely to see that continue and possibly extend to other grant programs, including those at the state level as well as foundations and corporate grant makers.
So, how do we prepare for these changes and be proactive instead of reactive? Here are six steps to take as you prepare for future grant projects related to the pandemic.

For more information, check out our on-demand webinar Funding student-focused COVID-19 activities through grants.