Colorado Community College System
Delivering the experience students crave
Colorado Community College System gains efficiencies with Ellucian Banner Student Self-Service

- Students can pay bills and check grades online
- Less phone calls
- Staff has more time to respond to difficult questions
I think we've gained a lot of operational efficiencies from Student Self-Service. I mean, if students prefer to pay their bill online, they can do that at 2 AM, it doesn't matter. They certainly can't go to a campus and pay their bill at 2 AM if they even wanted to. And I think it's really hard for a student sometimes to get into our campuses during business hours. It's so much easier to get the credit card and pay your tuition and be done with it.
They can look and see if they've gotten their financial aid awards, if their loan has come through. So it certainly reduces calls to the colleges or students coming in and asking questions. It lets them be much more self-sufficient. That saves the questions for the really hard questions or the students that truly need help.
Our students use it all the time. They register online, they pay their bills online, they check their grades online. The usage really goes through the roof when grades get turned in and students are madly checking to see what their grades are for their various classes.
We had Front Range, our largest community college, send an email one day when we had collected over $7 million in 24 hours of tuition payments, all online. So we've put it to use across the board. I don't think our students would manage without it.
The staff benefits from self-service are amazing because they don't have to spend time on routine things. We used to have one of our rural colleges made every student come in and pay by check. That's just crazy in this day and age. So their staff would spend two days getting all these checks brought in. Now they don't even worry about that.
My response to an institution thinking about implementing Banner Self-Service for students would be, why haven't you done it already? Your students want it. They want to be able to do things online. They can do everything online. Why would they not pay their bill or register for their classes?
What I'm amazed is they will do it on their phone. I at least need a laptop and a keyboard. But they will do everything on their phone. So they absolutely will pay their bill, register, drop classes, check their grades online.