Grants Services

Find, secure, and manage funding with Grants Services

Advance student and institutional success with alternative funding streams.

Find, Secure, and Manage Funding with Grants Services
Tailored Plans
Tailored plans
Our experts build grant-funding success by tailoring support to institutional needs, as well as assessing opportunities and grant capacity.
Funding Magnets
Funding magnets
We assist with strategic planning by prioritizing high-value opportunities and writing grants in alignment with funder interests.
Data Drivers
Data drivers
Our team assists in measuring realistic goals guided by research and data, and establishes a timeline so you can stay on track.
Tried and True
Tried and true
Grants management services provides you with proven, long-term revenue streams, and monitors and reports financial and non-financial ROI.

awarded to client institutions to date


in ROI for every dollar spent


years of collective grants expertise


Specialists focus on your unique needs by fully designing and managing projects, programs, and applications.

Grant writing and grant management training to ensure compliance.

Assistance in developing a centralized grants office, so you can properly prioritize, plan, and achieve continuous success.

Services that support the full grants life cycle—from research to award.

Ellucian is committed to communicating within your institution and funding agencies to ensure compliance.

Grants we have helped win

Need support? We're always here to help!


Your one-stop shop for product documentation, assistance, training, and much more.