Transforming the financial aid experience

Key takeaways
- Tackling student debt and misperception requires systemic change
- Self-service empowers students and frees up time for staff
- With self-service, retention and graduation rates improve
More than 85 percent of students use financial aid. But an astounding 63 percent either incorrectly estimate or report not knowing their loan amount.
As a result, students over-borrow, over-spend, fail to graduate on time or at all, and lack a realistic plan to manage post-graduation debt. First-generation students in particular—30 percent of students in higher education—struggle to navigate the process.
So, what’s the answer? Easier access to better information for students, families, and financial aid officers is key to addressing these challenges. While this will require a multi-pronged approach, there is one smart, affordable solution financial aid officers can implement today: self-service.
Download this e-book for a look at how an integrated, online solution can make things easier for students, staff, families, and institutions, including:
- How to take advantage of online, self-service tools that students already use to manage all aspects of their lives
- Why first-generation and low-income students particularly stand to benefit from self-service
- How much more efficient and effective financial aid officers can be when students are empowered