Students are the heartbeat of higher education and they deserve technology that drives student success.

Learn how no one can match us »

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Simplify how your institution runs — from enrollment to advancement, finance, and beyond — with a complete, integrated SaaS platform that uses data to drive student success.

Student Success Starts Here
University students in the library
Our decades of work with thousands of diverse institutions globally allows us to quickly share best practices throughout our community.
Admin laptop and mobile
A 900-person R&D team, with 100% of our effort focused on solving the problems that matter in higher education.
Student working on a tablet
Working side-by-side, Ellucian helps you plan, implement, operate, and optimize your technology. We support you, so you can better serve students.

Higher education institutions served


Students served globally


Institutions use an Ellucian SaaS solution

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Together with our partners, we tailor ideal solutions for you.

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Your one-stop shop for product documentation, assistance, training, and much more.
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